5e sidekick classes
5e sidekick classes

5e sidekick classes


Survivors serve as the first constables on the scene during a serial killer's crime.For example, you might use survivors in the following ways: Even if it doesn't make sense for a campaign's characters to be present for an event, survivors can provide players with perspectives they wouldn't otherwise have. Use survivors to provide information to players in the form of a self-contained adventure. Adventures employing survivors are meant to be asides within broader campaigns or otherwise short experiences. Survivors are premade characters that are simple and easy for players to master, while being customizable enough to fill broad roles in your adventures-whether they be farmers or bored nobles, constables or babysitters. Using survivors helps create horror experiences focused on the dread inherent to having limited resources and facing impending doom without forcing players to risk their favorite characters.

5e sidekick classes

This section provides guidance for using survivors, characters designed for one- to three-session adventures focused on survival rather than saving the day. Instead, for short, low-power adventures, immersive retellings of tragic events, out-of-body experiences, or other unique tales, consider providing players with temporary, stand-in characters called survivors. That doesn't need to be the case, though. In most horror adventures, players will employ familiar, adventure-ready characters. Some of the most harrowing horror stories involve the least likely heroes, individuals who find their simple lives transformed into waking nightmares. Terror doesn't come just for the brave and prepared-often quite the opposite.

5e sidekick classes